Beta Lactoglobulin Allergy Test

This test looks for an allergic reaction to Beta-Lactoglobulin by measuring IgE antibodies in a blood sample.  B-Lactoglobulin is one of the primary proteins found in the Whey of cow's milk.  An allergy to b-lactoglobulin will cause a person to experience symptoms such as rash, itching, hives, swelling around the face or throat, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and constipation when they consume milk or products containing milk.  Many people develop a milk allergy early in life.  Some people's allergies subside as they grow older but some persist into adulthood.

A b-lactoglobulin allergy test is typically ordered when a person experiences allergy symptoms within 48 hours of consuming dairy.  Most people who are allergic to one milk protein are allergic to others as well.  For a more comprehensive test which looks for an allergic reaction to 3 prominent milk proteins, please see our Milk Allergy Test.

Turnaround for this test is typically 4-6 business days.