Candida Albicans Allergy Blood Test
This test measures a person's allergic reaction to Candida Albicans. Candida is a type of naturally occurring yeast or fungus which resides in the GI tract. Normally, the body's immune system and other bacteria keep candida growth in check. Most people already have an allergy to candida but it does not cause any health concerns unless excessive candida growth occurs. Overgrowth of candida can result when a person is taking antibiotics, has a condition that weakens their immune system, experiences chronic stress, or eats a diet high in carbohydrates. Excessive candida growth can lead the body to develop an allergic response or worsen a pre-existing allergy. Once an allergy has developed, a person may have difficulty eating or drinking products that contain yeast. Products that often contain yeast include bread, baked goods, beer, wine, vinegar, pickled foods, soup stock, cheese, dried fruits, yogurt, soy, miso, and yogurt. Symptoms of candida allergy can develop at any time and may be difficult to diagnose because they are common to other illnesses. Common symptoms include abdominal swelling, nausea, cramps, hives, joint pain, difficulty breathing, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.
Allergies are caused by a reaction in the body's immune system. The body identifies certain substances as harmful and produces IgE antibodies against them. The severity of the allergy will vary from one person to the next. Blood allergy testing provides numerical results for IgE antibody levels to help determine how severe a reaction a person will have. Positive allergy test results should be discussed with a person's doctor to determine the appropriate follow-up.
Testing is typically ordered when a person is experiencing symptoms of candida allergy, especially if they have recently taken antibiotic medication, have recurring yeast infections, or have a condition that weakens their immune system. For more testing options, please see our Allergy Testing Category.
The turnaround time for this test is typically 3-5 business days.