Japanese Cedar Allergy Blood Test

This test is used to measure a person's allergic reaction to the pollen from the Japanese Cedar Tree.  Japanese Cedar is a common name for Cryptomeria japonica, an evergreen tree native to China and Japan.  Japanese Cedars release their pollen in the spring.  Pollen from these trees is one of the most common sources of spring allergies in Japan.  People with an allergy will often experience symptoms that include red itchy eyes, runny nose, itching, sneezing, fatigue, and sore throat.  The severity of the symptoms will depend on how strong of an allergic reaction a person has.

Allergies are caused by a reaction in the body's immune system.  The body identifies certain substances as harmful and produces IgE antibodies against them.  These antibodies trigger the release of histamine which causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.  The severity of the allergy will vary from one person to the next.  Blood allergy testing provides numerical results for IgE antibody levels to help determine how severe a reaction a person will have.  Positive allergy test results should be discussed with a person's doctor to determine the appropriate follow-up.  

This test can be ordered by anyone who experiences allergy symptoms in areas where Japanese Cedars are prevalent.  Please see our Allergy Testing Category for more options. 

Results for this test typically take 3-5 business days.